Virtual Cubes

Czech Calendar Cube

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Czech Calendar Cube

This cube is a perpetual calendar. By twisting and rotating it, you can set it to today's date.

The month is located at the upper left or middle. It is split into one or two parts. The weekday in the middle row is abbreviated into three characters. The day is shown at the bottom right.

The layout of the Czech calendar cube was created by in 2009 by André Boulouard and Walter Randelshofer.

Czech months

Czech English
Leden January
Únor February
Březen March
Duben April
Květen May
Červen June
Červenec July
Srpen August
Září September
Říjen October
Listopad November
Prosinec December

Czech weekdays

Czech English
PONdělí Monday
ÚTE Tuesday
STŘeda Wednesday
ČTVrtek Thursday
PÁTek Friday
SOBota Saturday
NEDěle Sunday
© Walter Randelshofer. All rights reserved.