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Swiss Calendar Cube

This cube is a perpetual calendar. The date of the day can be displayed in 4 languages on a selected cube face. By twisting and rotating it, you can set it to today's date.

Four 3x3 calendars can be displayed on a front face, namely German, Italian, Rumantsch-Grischun and French. For each 3x3 calendar, weekdays are displayed on the top layer, days on the middle layer and months on the bottom layer. Weekdays names are 2-letter abbreviations whereas months names are abbreviated in 3 letters.

The layout of the Swiss calendar cube was created in 2009 by André Boulouard and Walter Randelshofer.

German, Italian, Rumantsch Grischun and French weekdays

German Italian Rumantsch Grischun French English
Montag Lunedì Glindesdi Lundi Monday
Dienstag Martedì Mardi Mardi Tuesday
Mittwoch Mercoledì Mesemna Mercredi Wednesday
Donnerstag Giovedì Gievgia Jeudi Thursday
Freitag Venerdì Venderdi Vendredi Friday
Samstag Sabato Sonda Samedi Saturday
Sonntag Domenica Dumengia Dimanche Sunday

German, Italian, Rumantsch Grischun and French months

German Italian Rumantsch Grischun French English
JANuar GENnaio SCHaner JANvier January
FEBruar FEBbraio FAVrer FÉVrier February
MAeRz MARzo MARs MARs March
APRil APRile AVRigl AVRil April
JUNi GIUgno ZERcladur JUiN June
JULi LUGlio FANadur JUiLlet July
AUGust AGOsto AVUst AOÛt August
SEPtember SETtembre SETtember SEPtembre September
OKTober OTTobre OCTober OCTobre October
NOVember NOVembre NOVember NOVembre November
DEZember DICembre DECember DÉCembre December

Paired letters and numbers on edge cubes have been selected to insure that 2 consecutive months and 4 consecutive days and weekdays could be displayed on a front face at the same time.

Time of the day

The cube can also display the time of the day:

Range from 00:00 up to 23:59
in 1 minute steps.

© Walter Randelshofer. All rights reserved.