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Web-Site Statistics 2010

by werner on January 10th, 2011

The beginning of a new year is a good time to look back at the previous one.

The web-site statistics for yields the following numbers for the year 2010:

  • 344,881 unique visitors.
  • 482,857 visits (1.4 visits per visitor).
  • 5,359,517 page visits (11.09 pages per visit).
  • 10,453,491 hits (21.64 hits per visit).
  • 1,045.27 GB  bandwidth (2,269.91 KB per visit).

Our visitors came from the following countries:

  • 34.7 % Europe
  • 32.8 % United States
  • 32.5 % Rest of the World

The following operating systems were used:

  • 78.5 % Windows
  • 10.3 % Macintosh
  • 3 % Linux
  • 8.2 % Unknown

… and the following browsers:

  • 32 % Internet Explorer (17.9 % IE 8, 9.2 % IE 7, 4.7 % IE 6, 0.2 % IE 5)
  • 27.8 % Firefox
  • 11.4 % Netscape 4.0
  • 9.2 % Safari
  • 7.6 % Chrome
  • 12 % Others

The most popular topic was the Virtual Cubes, followed by the Pretty Patterns and the Quaqua Look and Feel.

This blog attracted 2,600 visitors and received 20,900 hits. 16 comments were made. Thank you!
Oh, and a whopping 1,514 spams were posted – but never made it on the pages – sorry. 😉

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