This cube is a perpetual calendar. By twisting and rotating it, you can set it to today's date.
The weekday is located at the upper left. It is split into two parts. The month in the middle row is abbreviated into three characters. The day is shown at the bottom right.
The layout of the German calendar cube was created in 2014 by Walter Randelshofer.
German | Meaning | English |
Montag | Moon's day | Monday |
Dienstag | Day of Týr (god of single combat) | Tuesday |
Mittwoch | Mid-week | Wednesday |
Donnerstag | Day of Donar (thunder god) | Thursday |
Freitag | Day of Freya (goddess of love) | Friday |
Samstag | Day of Saturn | Saturday |
Sonntag | Sun's day | Sunday |
German | English |
JANuar | January |
FEBruar | February |
MAeRz | March |
APRil | April |
MAI | May |
JUNi | June |
JULi | July |
AUGust | August |
SEPtember | September |
OKTober | October |
NOVember | November |
DEZember | December |