Virtual Cubes

Ukrainian Calendar Cube

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Ukrainian Calendar Cube

This cube is a perpetual calendar. By twisting and rotating it, you can set it to today's date.

The weekday is located at the upper row on the left or in the middle. The day is shown in the middle row on the right or left. The month at the bottom is abbreviated into three characters.

The layout of the Ukrainian calendar cube was created in 2009 by André Boulouard and Walter Randelshofer.

Ukrainian weekdays

Ukrainian English
Понеділок Monday
Вівторок Tuesday
Середа Wednesday
Четвер Thursday
П'ятниця Friday
Субота Saturday
Неділя Sunday

Ukrainian months

Ukrainian English
СІЧень January
ЛЮТий February
БЕРезень March
КВІтень April
ТРАвень May
ЧЕРвень June
ЛИПень July
СЕРпень August
ВЕРесень September
ЖОВтень October
ЛИСтопад November
ГРУдень December

Ukrainian is a language of the East Slavic subgroup of the Slavic languages. It is the official state language of Ukraine. Written Ukrainian uses a variant of the Cyrillic alphabet. The language shares some vocabulary with the languages of the neighboring Slavic nations, most notably with Polish, Slovak in the West and Belarusan, Russian in the North and the East.

© Walter Randelshofer. All rights reserved.