Virtual Cubes

Mathematical & Physical Constants Cube

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Mathematical & Physical Constants Cube

This cube is used to display the value of some selected mathematical and physical constants. It can also be used as a Number Composer, but with some limitations however.

The values of a number of usual constants can be displayed on a selected cube face by rotating and twisting some parts of the cube. In the initial state the cube shows the value of π=3.141592 on its front face.

The layout of the Mathematical & Physical Constants Cube was created in 2008 by André Boulouard and Walter Randelshofer.

Mathematical Constants

Constant Description
π=3.141592 Archimedes' constant Pi (π)
φ=1.618033 Golden Ratio (φ)
e=2.718281 Napier's constant (e)
C=.9159655 Catalan's constant
C=1.456074 Backhouse constant
C=1.839286 Tribonacci constant
C=2.622057 Lemniscate constant
G=.5772156 Euler-Mascheroni constant (γ)
P=1.414213 Pythagoras' constant (√2)
P=1.732050 Theodorus' constant (√3)
P=3.162277 Pythagorian constant (√10, (√10)2 = 12 + 32)

Physical Constants

Constant Description
e=1.602176 [× 10-19 C] Elementary charge
e=8.854187 [× 10-12 F · m-1] Vacuum permittivity (ε0)
C=2.997924 [× 10+8 m · s-1] Speed of light in vacuum
C=.9648533 [× 10+5 C · mol-1] Faraday's constant
C=8.987551 [× 109 N · m2 C-2] Coulomb's constant
G=6.674286 [× 10-11 m3 · kg-1 · s-2] Gravitational constant
G=.9806650 [× 10+1 m · s-2] Standard Acceleration of Gravity
P=6.626069 [× 10-34 J · s] Planck's constant
P=1.672621 [× 10-27 kg] Proton mass

Series of numbers converging on the Golden Ratio

Number Description
φ≈1.618181 89/55
φ≈1.617977 144/89
φ≈1.618055 233/144
φ≈1.618025 377/233
φ≈1.618037 610/377
φ≈1.618032 987/610
φ≈1.618034 1597/987
φ≈1.618033 2584/1597

Some remarkable numbers

Number Description
π≈3.141592 355/113
e≈2.714285 2 + 5/7
C=10987654 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4
C=89101112 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
C=35791113 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
C=39152127 3, 9, 15, 21, 27
C=39816561 3, 9 [= 32], 81 [= 92], 6561 [= 812]
C=1.837117 (3/2)3/2
C=1.467523 (4/3)4/3
C=1.164084 (6/5)5/6
C=.6666666 2/3
C=1.666666 5/3
C=2.666666 8/3
C=3.666666 11/3
C=6.666666 20/3
C=8.666666 26/3
C=1.111111 10/9
C=66666666 66666666
C=.9999999 0.9999999
© Walter Randelshofer. All rights reserved.