JHotDraw 7.5.1

Class ImageOutputFormat

  extended by org.jhotdraw.draw.io.ImageOutputFormat
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ImageOutputFormat
extends java.lang.Object
implements OutputFormat

An output format for exporting drawings using one of the image formats supported by javax.imageio.

$Id: ImageOutputFormat.java 641 2010-01-23 12:53:28Z rawcoder $
Werner Randelshofer

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new image output format for Portable Network Graphics PNG.
ImageOutputFormat(java.lang.String formatName, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String fileExtension, int bufferedImageType)
          Creates a new image output format for the specified image format.
Method Summary
 java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable createTransferable(Drawing drawing, java.util.List<Figure> figures, double scaleFactor)
          Writes the drawing to the specified output stream.
 java.lang.String getFileExtension()
          Returns the file extension for the output format.
 javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter getFileFilter()
          Return a FileFilter that can be used to identify files which can be stored with this output format.
 javax.swing.JComponent getOutputFormatAccessory()
          Return a JFileChooser accessory that can be used to customize the output format.
protected  void setRenderingHints(java.awt.Graphics2D g)
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage toImage(Drawing drawing, java.util.List<Figure> figures, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform, java.awt.Dimension imageSize)
          Creates a BufferedImage from the specified list of figures.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage toImage(Drawing drawing, java.util.List<Figure> figures, double scaleFactor, boolean clipToFigures)
          Creates a BufferedImage from the specified list of figures.
 void write(java.io.File file, Drawing drawing)
          Writes the drawing to the specified file.
 void write(java.io.OutputStream out, Drawing drawing)
          Writes the drawing to the specified output stream.
 void write(java.io.OutputStream out, Drawing drawing, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform drawingTransform, java.awt.Dimension imageSize)
          Writes the drawing to the specified output stream.
 void write(java.io.OutputStream out, Drawing drawing, java.util.List<Figure> figures)
          Writes the figures to the specified output stream.
 void write(java.io.OutputStream out, Drawing drawing, java.util.List<Figure> figures, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform drawingTransform, java.awt.Dimension imageSize)
          Writes the figures to the specified output stream.
 void write(java.net.URI uri, Drawing drawing)
          Writes a Drawing into an URI.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ImageOutputFormat()
Creates a new image output format for Portable Network Graphics PNG.


public ImageOutputFormat(java.lang.String formatName,
                         java.lang.String description,
                         java.lang.String fileExtension,
                         int bufferedImageType)
Creates a new image output format for the specified image format.

formatName - The format name for the javax.imageio.ImageIO object.
description - The format description to be used for the file filter.
fileExtension - The file extension to be used for file filter.
bufferedImageType - The BufferedImage type used to produce the image. The value of this parameter must match with the format name.
Method Detail


public javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter getFileFilter()
Description copied from interface: OutputFormat
Return a FileFilter that can be used to identify files which can be stored with this output format. Typically, each output format has its own recognizable file extension.

Specified by:
getFileFilter in interface OutputFormat
FileFilter to be used with a javax.swing.JFileChooser


public java.lang.String getFileExtension()
Description copied from interface: OutputFormat
Returns the file extension for the output format. The file extension should be appended to a file name when storing a Drawing with the specified file format.

Specified by:
getFileExtension in interface OutputFormat


public javax.swing.JComponent getOutputFormatAccessory()
Description copied from interface: OutputFormat
Return a JFileChooser accessory that can be used to customize the output format.

Specified by:
getOutputFormatAccessory in interface OutputFormat
A JFileChooser accessory to be used with a javax.swing.JFileChooser Returns null, if no accessory is provided for this format.


public void write(java.net.URI uri,
                  Drawing drawing)
           throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: OutputFormat
Writes a Drawing into an URI.

Specified by:
write in interface OutputFormat
uri - The uri.
drawing - The drawing.


public void write(java.io.File file,
                  Drawing drawing)
           throws java.io.IOException
Writes the drawing to the specified file. This method ensures that all figures of the drawing are visible on the image.



public void write(java.io.OutputStream out,
                  Drawing drawing)
           throws java.io.IOException
Writes the drawing to the specified output stream. This method ensures that all figures of the drawing are visible on the image.

Specified by:
write in interface OutputFormat
out - The output stream.
drawing - The drawing.


public void write(java.io.OutputStream out,
                  Drawing drawing,
                  java.awt.geom.AffineTransform drawingTransform,
                  java.awt.Dimension imageSize)
           throws java.io.IOException
Writes the drawing to the specified output stream. This method applies the specified transform to the drawing, and draws it on an image of the specified size.



public java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable createTransferable(Drawing drawing,
                                                             java.util.List<Figure> figures,
                                                             double scaleFactor)
                                                      throws java.io.IOException
Writes the drawing to the specified output stream. This method ensures that all figures of the drawing are visible on the image.

Specified by:
createTransferable in interface OutputFormat
drawing - The drawing.
figures - A list of figures of the drawing.
scaleFactor - The factor to be used, when the Transferable creates an image with a fixed size from the figures.
The Transferable.


public void write(java.io.OutputStream out,
                  Drawing drawing,
                  java.util.List<Figure> figures)
           throws java.io.IOException
Writes the figures to the specified output stream. This method ensures that all figures of the drawing are visible on the image.



public void write(java.io.OutputStream out,
                  Drawing drawing,
                  java.util.List<Figure> figures,
                  java.awt.geom.AffineTransform drawingTransform,
                  java.awt.Dimension imageSize)
           throws java.io.IOException
Writes the figures to the specified output stream. This method applies the specified transform to the drawing, and draws it on an image of the specified size.



public java.awt.image.BufferedImage toImage(Drawing drawing,
                                            java.util.List<Figure> figures,
                                            double scaleFactor,
                                            boolean clipToFigures)
Creates a BufferedImage from the specified list of figures.

The images are drawn using the specified scale factor. If some figures have a drawing area located at negative coordinates, then the drawing coordinates are translated, so that all figures are visible on the image.

drawing - The drawing.
figures - A list of figures of the drawing.
scaleFactor - The scale factor used when drawing the figures.
clipToFigures - If this is true, the image is clipped to the figures. If this is false, the image includes the drawing area,


public java.awt.image.BufferedImage toImage(Drawing drawing,
                                            java.util.List<Figure> figures,
                                            java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform,
                                            java.awt.Dimension imageSize)
Creates a BufferedImage from the specified list of figures.

drawing - The drawing.
figures - A list of figures of the drawing.
transform - The AffineTransform to be used when drawing the figures.
imageSize - The width and height of the image.


protected void setRenderingHints(java.awt.Graphics2D g)

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Some rights reserved.