CubeTwister 2.0alpha142 2012-02-11

Class Transform3D

  extended by ch.randelshofer.geom3d.Transform3D
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Transform3D
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable

This class represents a 3D transform which performs a mapping from 3D coordinates to other 3D coordinates.

Such a coordinate transformation can be represented by a 4 row by 4 column matrix with an implied last row of [ 0 0 0 1 ] which transforms source coordinates (x, y) into destination coordinates (x', y') by considering them to be a column vector and multiplying the coordinate vector by the matrix according to the following process.

 [ x'] = [  m00  m10  m20  m30 ] [ x ] = [ m00x + m10y + m20z + m30 ]
 [ y'] = [  m01  m11  m21  m31 ] [ y ] = [ m01x + m11y + m21z + m31 ]
 [ z'] = [  m02  m12  m22  m32 ] [ z ] = [ m02x + m12y + m22z + m32 ]
 [ 1 ] = [   0    0    0    1  ] [ 1 ] = [             1            ]

1.3 2009-01-04 Added method fromToRotation.
1.2 2006-01-05 Method hashCode added.
1.1 2004-08-23 Workaround for VirtualPC removed.
1.0 2002-05-06 Method setTransform added.
0.4 2001-10-27 Method isNaN added. FIXME Workaround for VirtualPC Math.sin and Math.cos produce NaN: Use of Math instead of Math avoids this.
0.3.1 2000-03-25 Method rotate(double, double, double) fixed.
0.3 2000-02-27 Comments revised.
0.2 1999-01-01 Package renamed.
0.1 1998-12-15 Interface revised.
0.0 1998-02-15 Created.
Werner Randelshofer, Hausmatt 10, CH-6405 Immensee, Switzerland

Field Summary
 double m00
 double m01
 double m02
 double m10
 double m11
 double m12
 double m20
 double m21
 double m22
 double m30
 double m31
 double m32
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new Transform3D representing the Identity transformation.
Transform3D(double[][] matrix)
          Constructs a new transform from 12 double precision values representing the 12 specifiable entries of the 4x4 transformation matrix.
Transform3D(double rx, double ry, double rz)
          Constructs a Transform3D representing the specified rotation transformation.
Transform3D(double m00, double m10, double m20, double m30, double m01, double m11, double m21, double m31, double m02, double m12, double m22, double m32)
          Constructs a new transform from 12 double precision values representing the 12 specifiable entries of the 4x4 transformation matrix.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Creates a clone of the object.
 void concatenate(Transform3D t)
          Concatenates a transform Tx to this transform Cx.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Compares two Objects for equality.
static Transform3D fromToRotation(Point3D from, Point3D to)
 Transform3D getInverse()
 double[][] getMatrix()
          Returns the complete 4x4 matrix representing this transform.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isNaN()
          Returns true, when at least one of the elements of the transform is NaN.
 void rotate(double rx, double ry, double rz)
          Concatenates this transform with a rotation transformation.
 void rotateX(double rx)
          Concatenates this transform with a rotation transformation.
 void rotateY(double ry)
          Concatenates this transform with a rotation transformation.
 void rotateZ(double rz)
          Concatenates this transform with a rotation transformation.
 void scale(double sx, double sy, double sz)
          Concatenates this transform with a scaling transformation.
 void setToIdentity()
          Resets this transform to the Identity transform.
 void setTransform(Transform3D Tx)
          Sets this transform to a copy of the transform in the specified Transform3D object.
 java.lang.String toString()
 void transform(float[] src, int srcOffset, float[] dest, int destOffset, int count)
          Transforms the vertices of source array and stores the result in the dest array.
 void transform(Point3D pt)
          Transforms the specified point.
 Point3D transform(Point3D ptSrc, Point3D ptDst)
          Transforms the specified ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst.
 Polygon3D transform(Polygon3D polySrc, Polygon3D polyDst)
          Transforms the specified polySrc and stores the result in polyDst.
 void translate(double tx, double ty, double tz)
          Concatenates this transform with a translation transformation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public double m00


public double m10


public double m20


public double m30


public double m01


public double m11


public double m21


public double m31


public double m02


public double m12


public double m22


public double m32
Constructor Detail


public Transform3D()
Constructs a new Transform3D representing the Identity transformation.


public Transform3D(double rx,
                   double ry,
                   double rz)
Constructs a Transform3D representing the specified rotation transformation.

rx - Rotation along the x axis in radians.
ry - Rotation along the y axis in radians.
rz - Rotation along the z axis in radians.


public Transform3D(double m00,
                   double m10,
                   double m20,
                   double m30,
                   double m01,
                   double m11,
                   double m21,
                   double m31,
                   double m02,
                   double m12,
                   double m22,
                   double m32)
Constructs a new transform from 12 double precision values representing the 12 specifiable entries of the 4x4 transformation matrix.


public Transform3D(double[][] matrix)
Constructs a new transform from 12 double precision values representing the 12 specifiable entries of the 4x4 transformation matrix.

Method Detail


public void setToIdentity()
Resets this transform to the Identity transform.


public void rotate(double rx,
                   double ry,
                   double rz)
Concatenates this transform with a rotation transformation. This is equivalent to calling concatenate(R), where R is an Transform3D represented by the following matrix:
    [ cos(rz)*cos(ry)     cos(rz)*sin(ry)*sin(rx)     cos(rz)*-sin(ry)*cos(rx)    0 ]
                            +sin(rz)*cos(rx)            +sin(rz)*-sin(ry)*cos(rx)

    [ -sin(rz)*cos(ry)    -sin(rz)*sin(ry)*sin(rx)    -sin(rz)*-sin(ry)*cos(rx)   0 ]
                            +cos(rz)*cos(rx)            +cos(rz)*sin(rx)

    [ sin(ry)             cos(ry)*-sin(rx)            cos(ry)*cos(rx)            0 ]

      [ 0                   0                           0                        1 ]
Positive values rotate counterclockwise.

rx - Rotation along the x axis in radians.
ry - Rotation along the y axis in radians.
rz - Rotation along the z axis in radians.


public void rotateX(double rx)
Concatenates this transform with a rotation transformation. This is equivalent to calling concatenate(R), where R is an Transform3D represented by the following matrix:
    [ 1   0         0        0 ]
    [ 0   cos(rx)    sin(rx)   0 ]
    [ 0   -sin(rx)   cos(rx)   0 ]
      [ 0   0         0        1 ]
Positive values rotate counterclockwise.

rx - Rotation along the x axis in radians.


public void rotateY(double ry)
Concatenates this transform with a rotation transformation. This is equivalent to calling concatenate(R), where R is an Transform3D represented by the following matrix:
    [ cos(ry)   0   -sin(ry)   0 ]
    [ 0        1   0         0 ]
    [ sin(ry)   0   cos(ry)    0 ]
      [ 0        0   0         1 ]
Positive values rotate counterclockwise.

ry - Rotation along the y axis in radians.


public void rotateZ(double rz)
Concatenates this transform with a rotation transformation. This is equivalent to calling concatenate(R), where R is an Transform3D represented by the following matrix:
    [ cos(rz)    sin(rz)   0   0 ]
    [ -sin(rz)   cos(rz)   0   0 ]
    [ 0         0        1   0 ]
      [ 0         0        0   1 ]
Positive values rotate counterclockwise.

rz - Rotation along the z axis in radians.


public void scale(double sx,
                  double sy,
                  double sz)
Concatenates this transform with a scaling transformation. This is equivalent to calling concatenate(S), where S is an Transform3D represented by the following matrix:
    [   sx   0    0    0   ]
    [   0    sy   0    0   ]
    [   0    0    sz   0   ]
    [   0    0    0    1   ]


public void translate(double tx,
                      double ty,
                      double tz)
Concatenates this transform with a translation transformation. This is equivalent to calling concatenate(T), where T is an Transform3D represented by the following matrix:
    [   1    0    0    tx  ]
    [   0    1    0    ty  ]
    [   0    0    1    tz  ]
    [   0    0    0    1   ]


public void concatenate(Transform3D t)
Concatenates a transform Tx to this transform Cx. Cx is updated to perform the combined transformation. Transforming a point p by the updated transform Cx' is equivalent to first transforming p by Tx and then transforming the result by the original transform Cx. In other words, Cx'(p) = Cx(Tx(p)). In matrix notation, if this transform Cx is represented by the matrix [this] and Tx is represented by the matrix [Tx], then this method does the following:
    [this] = [this] x [Tx]

t - The transform object to be concatenated with this transform object.


public double[][] getMatrix()
Returns the complete 4x4 matrix representing this transform.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares two Objects for equality. Returns a boolean that indicates whether this Object is equivalent to the specified Object. This method is used when an Object is stored in a hashtable.

equals in class java.lang.Object
obj - the Object to compare with
true if these Objects are equal; false otherwise.
See Also:


public void transform(Point3D pt)
Transforms the specified point.


public Point3D transform(Point3D ptSrc,
                         Point3D ptDst)
Transforms the specified ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst. If ptDst is null, a new Point3D object will be allocated before storing. In either case, ptDst containing the transformed point is returned for convenience. Note that ptSrc and ptDst can be the same. In this case, the input point will be overwritten with the transformed point.


public Polygon3D transform(Polygon3D polySrc,
                           Polygon3D polyDst)
Transforms the specified polySrc and stores the result in polyDst. If polyDst is null, a new Polygon3D object will be allocated before storing. In either case, polyDst containing the transformed polygon is returned for convenience. Note that polySrc and polyDst can be the same. In this case, the input point will be overwritten with the transformed point. When the polyDst does not have enough capacity to store the data, its capacity will be increased.


public void transform(float[] src,
                      int srcOffset,
                      float[] dest,
                      int destOffset,
                      int count)
Transforms the vertices of source array and stores the result in the dest array.

src - Each group of three entries in this array describe a vector x, y, z.
srcOffset - Index of the first vector.
dest - Each group of three entries in this array describe a vector x, y, z.
destOffset - Index of the first vector.
count - Number of vectors to be transformed.


public java.lang.Object clone()
Creates a clone of the object. A new instance is allocated and a bitwise clone of the current object is place in the new object.

clone in class java.lang.Object
a clone of this Object.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public boolean isNaN()
Returns true, when at least one of the elements of the transform is NaN.


public void setTransform(Transform3D Tx)
Sets this transform to a copy of the transform in the specified Transform3D object.

Tx - the Transform3D object from which to copy the transform


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public static Transform3D fromToRotation(Point3D from,
                                         Point3D to)


public Transform3D getInverse()

(c) Werner Randelshofer.
All rights reserved.