CubeTwister 2.0alpha142 2012-02-11

Package ch.randelshofer.geom3d

Provides classes for defining and performing operations on three-dimensional geometry.


Interface Summary
Node3D Represents a node of a three dimensional universe.
Transform3DModel The Transform3DModel wraps a Transform3D object and makes it observable.

Class Summary
DefaultTransform3DModel The default implementation of the Transform3DModel interface.
Face3D Represents a planar and convex polygon in 3 dimensional space.
Geom3D Geom3D.
JCanvas3D A canvas for rendering three dimensional geometry.
Point3D A point representing a location in (x, y, z) coordinate space.
Polygon3D A polygon located in three dimensional (x, y, z) coordinate space.
RotatedTransform3DModel This model wraps another Transform3DModel.
Scene3D Represents a scene of a three dimensional universe.
Shape3D Represents a 3 dimensional shape consisting of an arbitrary number of planar and convex vertices.
Transform3D This class represents a 3D transform which performs a mapping from 3D coordinates to other 3D coordinates.
TransformNode3D This node applies its Transform3D to all its children.

Enum Summary

Package ch.randelshofer.geom3d Description

Provides classes for defining and performing operations on three-dimensional geometry.

(c) Werner Randelshofer.
All rights reserved.